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Combating Summer Boredom

Summer break is here!  Children are free from their regular schooling and they can find themselves filled with unrest at their lack of routines.  Nothing dysregulates a kiddo's emotions like a lot of suddenly unstructured time.  So how can parents help their children combat summer boredom and stay sane this summer?

Join a Camp

The most popular idea around! Help foster your child's interests in sports, crafts, music, or the arts.  Look for a camp that can help your child practice socialization, grow a skill, or practice a hobby they've shown interest in.

Visit the Library

Our local libraries are filled with quality programming for all ages, and can help your child engage in many different topics.  Have them keep their reading skills up, or help them get ahead - or take advantage of the many groups and organizations that meet regularly.  There is something appropriate for everyone!

Get Them Outside

Kids thrive with fresh air and playful experiences.  Give them supplies to build a birdhouse, make a stepping stone, or plant a garden.  Let them run through the sprinkler or let them play with water balloons; any tactile experience they can have with the outdoors helps them connect to their emotions more and allows for better self-regulation.   A backyard is as big as the imagination allows!

Arts and Crafts

Anytime a child can build or make something, they gain awareness about their skills and abilities - which can help foster good self-esteem.  Give kids the tools to create something independently, or buy a kit for them to follow directions.  It can help stave off boredom and foster crucial skills including patience, tolerance, pride, and problem-solving.

Make Some Play Dates

Play dates are excellent ways for parents to take turns providing socialization opportunities for their children.  Kids learn from each other and help each other grow, so it's important for them to have time to be with other children over the summer.  Limit it to two hours so you can leave them wanting more!  It helps the relationship when kids aren't around each other for so long that they lose interest in seeing them again.

Check for Community Events

As summer heats up, many businesses and organizations host indoor and outdoor events for the family.  Check local newspapers or flyers to see what's available for your child to engage in their community.

Summer is a valuable time for children and a great opportunity for them to grow and learn social and emotional regulation in a different environment than school.  Help your children to explore the world around them and avoid boredom at the same time.  Summer is also an excellent time to squeeze in some play therapy - especially kids who have only minor difficulties with separating or families who need some help with transitions.