4 Ways Play Therapy Can Help Your Child
Children use play as a natural form of communication and problem-solving, making it an ideal medium for therapy. Play therapy is psychotherapy that helps children aged 3 to 12 express and process their emotions, particularly when they face psychological, emotional, or behavioral challenges. What is...
Getting Your Child to Listen
Are you sick of fighting with your kiddo? Fed up with power struggles? Why don’t kids listen? How can you get your child to just do what you say? Sometimes it can seem impossible to get your kids to cooperate at all, much less the...
Self-Care as a Component of Self-Love
Where do self-love and self-care intersect? Self-care has become a buzzword lately and many things are being marketed as such. But if self-care is deeper than buying an expensive face mask or bubble bath bomb, what is it? Self-care starts before you fill the bath...
9 Tips for Self-Care Today
The hustle and bustle of everyday life can make it seem impossible to do things for our mental and physical well-being. In addition to being an adult and having our individual responsibilities, taking care of children can make self-care seem all that more overwhelming ....