Navigating the Back-to-School Transition: Understanding Your Child's Behavior and How Therapy Can Help
As summer winds down and the school year approaches, many parents experience excitement at the shift away from summer schedule nuttiness. For children, however, this transition can bring a wide range of emotions and behaviors. The Impact of Predictable Schedules on Behavior Returning to school...
Recognizing Depression in Children Under 12: Unveiling the Silent Struggle
Childhood is often perceived as a carefree and joyous phase of life, but the reality can be quite different. Just like adults, children can also experience mental health challenges, including depression. While it's easy to assume that young children couldn't possibly experience something as complex...
4 Ways Play Therapy Can Help Your Child
Children use play as a natural form of communication and problem-solving, making it an ideal medium for therapy. Play therapy is psychotherapy that helps children aged 3 to 12 express and process their emotions, particularly when they face psychological, emotional, or behavioral challenges. What is...
Self-Care as a Component of Self-Love
Where do self-love and self-care intersect? Self-care has become a buzzword lately and many things are being marketed as such. But if self-care is deeper than buying an expensive face mask or bubble bath bomb, what is it? Self-care starts before you fill the bath...